The Stupidest, Scariest Time

In development!

THE STUPIDEST, SCARIEST TIME is a new work of devised theater parodying the joyless productivity of modern life. Created by Swim Pony, a genre-defying company fusing interactive performance and game design, this comedic reverie invites audiences into an experiential “productivity bootcamp” promising participants to finally tame life’s to-do lists and get EVERYTHING done. Using satiric clowning and game to illustrate the inhumane result of a constant “grindset” mentality, the show’s multinational performers will run participants through absurd exercises in life-hacking, action planning, and roleplay only to find “on top of things” growing further out of reach. Taking inspiration from countercultural movements like “antiwork” and “The Great Resignation,” which challenge output as the sole gauge of one’s self-worth, this embodied experience explores how humor, surrealism, and human connection come together to ask the question “What if we embrace lives that aim NOT to do it all?”


Lead Artist & Director: Adrienne Mackey
Cast/Co-creators: Sohrab Haghverdi, Iveliz Martel, Mario Orallo-Molinaro, Koo Park, and Bradley Wrenn
Sound Design: MuTTT
Costume & Set Design: An-lin Dauber
Process Co-conspirators: Rachael Herren, Mary McCool, Nick O’Leary, Jacinta Yelland, and Christie Zhao